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Grassland Ventures

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

Curious to see what successful community collaboration looks like? Look no further than the Grassland Ventures team and check out their Path Profile below where we chat about snacks, short circuiting block heaters and confident beer pours.

What does your company/organization do? ⁠

We offer a wide range of strategy development, product design, and software contracting services to organizations looking to modernize current legacy systems or create brand new products, and partner with other entrepreneurs to create scalable products and high-growth companies to address opportunities that we are excited about. ⁠

How long has your team been Path members?

Since April of '22, but members of our team have been here since 2018!⁠

What’s your team's favourite thing about Path?⁠

The Grassland team loves its snacks. Whether it's a pack of Welch's Fruit Snacks or some Ruffles All Dressed chips, there's a good chance someone from the team is at the Path Community Market.⁠

What’s one thing everyone should know about co-working/flexible workspaces?⁠

Embrace the space and the community that comes along with it. We're lucky enough to work right next to some of the best businesses in Regina. Working in the same space has allowed us to create partnerships with other Path companies to make even bigger and better products for our clients, something that would be difficult to do if we worked somewhere else. ⁠

What’s one thing — either industry-related or not — you or your team have learned in the last few months?

If your block heater cable contacts your frame, it can short circuit several systems like your engine, traction control, and tire pressure sensors. ⁠

Any tips or advice for new members or teams thinking about working from Path? ⁠

You have to be confident with the beer tap. And even then, the first pour out of the beer tap is always a little foamy. ⁠

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